This downloadable book is a gift from a teacher and poet who walked the walk with his mother’s journey through Alzheimer’s disease. This son’s writing will inspire all families eager for reminders of what’s retained, not just what’s lost, when Alzheimer’s becomes part of a family’s story.
Lisa P. Gwyther, MSW, LCSW
Co-Author, The Alzheimer’s Action Plan: The Experts’ Guide to the Best Diagnosis and Treatment for Memory Problems
Director, Duke Aging Center Family Support Program
Education Director, Bryan Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, NC
As he searched for understanding, Henry taught us all how to ‘simply be present’ and ‘open to the moment,’ how to lose the expectation that Jean was somehow going to recognize us, comfort us in our discomfort of coming close to her and her Alzheimer’s. You might think that, as a nurse, this was second nature to me… I worked in cardiology and in clinical research. I did not know Alzheimer’s and I was lost, too. Henry’s poetry is spot-on–from the family’s perspective, from the Alzheimer’s sufferer’s, and from the caregiver’s perspective. Henry’s poetry is a valuable resource. I have shared it many times with others and always have received many thanks. I hope this poetry helps you and your family along this difficult journey known as Alzheimer’s disease.
Pauletta Calhoun, B.S.N., R.N.